september 2022 - Nordic Legal Tech Day

september 2022

Start-up Company ”Goodfeed” is joining the pitching contest!

Describe your business idea in one sentence – What problem do you solve? Goodfeed makes it possible to generate and gather real time insights from your various projects and workflows and will drive your business towards continuous improvement. Starting a business is not always a smooth road ahead – Do you have a fun/challenging/odd memory […]

Start-up Company ”Goodfeed” is joining the pitching contest! Läs mer »

”The future of the Legal Profession” and much more with Therese Järnankar, Norstedts Juridik

Why is Nordic Legal Tech Day important to you? Even if legal tech has been on the agenda for many years, it is still partly unexplored and has not reached its full potential. This means in my mind that all different parts of the legal industry should and could help out to sparkle new ideas,

”The future of the Legal Profession” and much more with Therese Järnankar, Norstedts Juridik Läs mer »

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